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Leaving without an option: how assets of foreigners are being sold and bought in Russia
October 20, 2023

On what conditions do foreign businesses leave Russia? What does the future hold for NewLFs? These issues were discussed by Pravo.ru editor-in-chief Boris Boltyansky and Grigory Gadzhiev, Partner at Orion. The video is available here.

00:00 – Introduction


00:22 – The establishment of Orion and the pluses of an ILF-to-NewLF transformation


03:33 – The forced exit of foreign businesses from Russia


05:48 – The intricacies of the work of the government commission upon the sale of assets in Russia


08:37 – How foreigners can avoid losing their businesses for next to nothing


11:09 – The principal buyers of assets of foreign companies


12:55 – The methods of maintaining control over Russian assets by foreigners


14:27 – The pitfalls of buying foreigners’ businesses by top management


15:23 – The litigation risks after the sale of businesses


19:59 – The correct arbitration clause in contracts


22:42 – The strengths of Orion over its peers


25:19 – The future of NewLFs